DCG » Archive » DCG lecture: Graph Theory and Architectural Designs with Krishnendra Shekhawat

>>DCG lecture: Graph Theory and Architectural Designs with Krishnendra Shekhawat

post date: January 5, 2016
cat: events, news

Tueaday, 12th of January 2016, at 14h30, Faculty of Architecture (UL), Post-Graduation Pavilion room 5.0.13

One of the initial stages of architectural design process is concerned with the generation of planar floor plans while satisfying the given topological and dimensional constraints.

Mathematically, the topological constraints given in terms of adjacency relations among rooms fall in the domain of graph theory. Therefore, in this presentation we are going to discuss some graph theoretical concepts that are relevant to architectural designs.

In addition, we will go through some of the related work and present some interested open problems in this direction.